Fake fate Fish Friday

I like alliterations as well as it turns out I have a great deal of “F” words for Friday! Ah, basic pleasures. First I had an iced coffee, which isn’t an alliteration, however was freakin’ great ? MY most current VIDEOS Podcast […]


Sweet Potato protein Pancakes

Let’s say hypothetically, you win a contest put on by a red-headed Mexican blogger (I think they’re nearly extinct) for some elusive Trader Joe’s Peanut Flour. now what? What must you make with it? You must choose your recipes wisely, considering that […]


What Time Is It?

I am currently blogging from the sky on my way to the healthy Living Summit! Luckily Melissa is Camiseta Club America on the same flight and we snagged seats across the aisle from each other. Neither one of us went to HLS […]


I Can’t keep Track

I can’t keep track of exactly how numerous scoops of Peanut Butter I utilize while eating a banana. It’s a lot. however I’ve been noticing exactly how much longer I stay full with tons of PB. I like it. Nor can I […]
