The fourth of July was practically made for Fitbit users. Ok, maybe it’s better known for grilling, swimming, and that whole independence thing, but if there’s one day to make sure you hit your main goal, it’s this one. That’s because Fitbit inspire Family, charge 3, Versa Family, Ionic, and Ace 2 can all celebrate with fireworks.

So get in the spirit: set your main goal to steps and then choose a number that will challenge you—maybe add 1776 to your conventional daily count? below are 10 fun techniques to help you get there.

The Safest—and Healthiest!—Ways to set Off Fireworks

Get up a half hour earlier. and do whatever you’d like—just don’t sit down.

Join a virtual group. The daily activity and walking groups within Fitbit community have close to 1,000 members who frequently dish out step-goal suggestions and inspiration.

Go for a hike. Hiking isn’t just a terrific way to rack up major steps, it can also challenge your entire body. You can even turn your hike into a 10,000-step workout.

Turn on a podcast. Or download a new album and walk while you Camiseta LOSC Lille listen.

Plan for extra travel time. Driving to the supermarket? Park in the spot furthest from the building. Taking the bus to a friend’s house? get off a few stops earlier, and walk the rest of the way.

Be a social butterfly. While attending a fourth of July party, walk between groups to mingle with pals or offer to help the host replenish food and drinks.

Multi-task. brushing your teeth? Do it while you walk. have to take a phone call? pace the halls. viewing TV? walk during commercial breaks.

Be less efficient. Exaggerating the separation between tasks that can’t be combined is an easy way to pad your step count. For instance, if need to use the restroom but are also thirsty, get your cup of water from the kitchen first, drop it off at the patio, and then head to the restroom.

Schedule a reminder. When’s the most recent you’d be prepared to walk? set a silent alarm for that Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Alemania time as a pointer to check your step count. Still under your goal? finish strong with an end-of-the-day stroll.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You ought Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Países Bajos to not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

Danielle Kosecki

Senior health and fitness editor Danielle Kosecki is an award-winning journalist who has covered health and fitness for much more than 10 years. She’s written for Glamour, More, Prevention, and Bicycling magazines, among others, and is the editor of The Bicycling big book of Training. A new York native, Danielle now lives in the Bay area where she doesn’t miss winter season at all.

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