My egg freezing experience series. I’ve made a decision to freeze my eggs as well as I’m sharing every step of the process as I go with it. I started believing about this over a year back as well as kept going back as well as forth not sure if I must or shouldn’t choose it. After hearing something that pushed me to choose it I made a decision to step ahead as well as now it feels like it’s happening so fast! I’m anxious as well Camiseta Sao Paulo FC as afraid as well as overwhelmed.

This is the night before my egg retrieval! I’ve never had ‘real’ surgical treatment before so I’m not sure what to expect. as well as I’m likewise not sure exactly how lots of eggs I can get or truly must get. I have a great deal to share as well as catch up on!! however that’s coming soon. For now I wished to share my thoughts in genuine time as well as I made a video just speaking about exactly how I’m feeling physically as well as mentally.

Egg Freezing – The night before My Egg Retrieval Surgery

The night before my egg freezing procedure. My thoughts, fears, bloating as well as a lot more – hours before egg retrieval. part of my series on my egg freezing journey. I’m documenting every step to show you. Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Costa Rica discover them all on

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I got A Covid-19 Test


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Egg Freezing Series:

Egg Freezing Day 1 – announcement

Egg Freezing Week 1 Update

Egg Freezing Week 2 Update

Egg Freezing – Doing the Injections myself

More information is coming soon! I’m going to go with WHY I made a decision to choose it… exactly how much egg freezing costs as well as some other crucial points next.

Let me understand if you have any type of questions!

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for everyday updates as well as fun!





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⚡ by shareaholic


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