Fight the Fat Talk Friday

delighted Friday! MY most current VIDEOS 5 minute Run warm Up A Fast warm Up for Runners. 5 minute running warm up before your run. exactly how to get prepared to run. ideas of what to do before you run More Videos […]


What should I do with My Life?

I have the best business idea! Or maybe it’s an app idea – either way, it’s going to change your life. Well, it’s going to change my life. and that’ s what I really need, life changes – which is how I […]


Too hot as well as as well Hilly

I truly ought to have inspected the weather condition report before I got dressed Camiseta River Plate for my run this morning. long sleeves were a poor call. Right now feels Like: 93° MY newest VIDEOS I got A Covid-19 Test Getting […]


Eat–Fool Day of Food

I’m changing things up this week and want to do a trick full day of eats in one post twice a week. I choose seeing an entire run down in purchase rather then dinner, lunch and breakfast when you catch up with […]


Monday Mini-Goals

good morning and welcome to Monday ? I am typically all about big goals. I like to set my sights on things that are Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Portugal far off and unattainable challenging. But, that doesn’t help me stay motivated […]


The Smallest Mexican

hello and happy Monday! I started my day with a 7 mile run. Goal: next time I do this route I’m going to do it under an hour! I used the last of my Pineapple Cottage Cheese as the base of breakfast.Oddly, […]


This Time With Kale

I had an undocumented apple while running tasks mid-morning as well as then tried to hit the books as well as blogs for work stuff. Today’s lunch was my same-o huge salad with a sandwich on the side. MY newest VIDEOS Marathon […]


More Runner fashion jewelry

just recently I’ve been throwing around the concept of getting a running influenced tattoo. (I already have one tattoo on my hip.) But, I haven’t been able to choose what or where I want it. I just want to have something on […]
