I am concerning you after lunch because I had a job interview this morning and have been busy until just now ?

After my alarm went off I helped get Ben out the door for his first day of work, then I ran a short 3 miler and got ready for my interview. I actually have another interview scheduled for tomorrow too. wish me luck please!
MY newest VIDEOS

How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. This includes:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Lunge – best
Lateral Lunge – left

Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on RunEatRepeat.com

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My beautiful wife in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review



I don’t know if I ever discussed this, but I was a recruiter when I was in college. I used to review resumes, interview candidates and submit people for jobs. because of this I know the major “Do’s and Don’ts” of interviewing.


– dress professionally – even if the position will end up requiring casual wear.

– Do bring a copy (or two) of your resume – even if they already have it.

– Do answer the question – it’s apparent if you changed the subject because I’m taking notes.

– Do ask what the next step in the hiring process is, so you know when to expect to hear from them again. This also shows that you’re interested in moving to that next step.

– Do smile ? I know you might be nervous, but try to smile and let your personality come through.


– Don’t have an unsuitable email address – “Sexylatina69@aol.com” is not going to win you points unless you’re applying to work at a strip club

– Don’t wear perfume – you never know what your interviewer likes and/or is allergic to (My former boss would hate when people would wear perfume of cologne to interviews)

– Don’t lie. Don’t lie on your resume or in the interview. Recruiters and hiring managers know their positions and can spot this very easily.

– Don’t give one word answers. It helps to show that you can expand on your knowledge and are conversational.

– Don’t stress. I know this is hard, but you learn something from every interview and meeting new people is fun. Do your best, be confident and have fun with it.

– Don’t ask about salary. If you are moved forward to the next step they will talk about this in detail.

And don’t forget to fuel up before your interview! I think overnight oats can be a good option…

I discussed this on Twitter today, but I have eaten my weight in avocados because I’ve gotten home! many of it is consumed straight from the skin, like so…


The rest of lunch…


Jet lag has caught up Camiseta Bayer 04 Leverkusen with me and I am exhausted. I need a nap. I can’t believe I’m saying that because I am so not a napper. A rapper maybe, but that’s for another day ?

Health news – This is very interesting… many exercise studies rely on all male subjects even though men and women are very different (ya think?). A recent study on how females react when refueling with carbs versus carb/protein came out very different from the male study. Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Inglaterra

Full article: What exercise science Doesn’t know about Women

Watermelon season is finally here! Which implies you’ll be needing my old how to cut a Watermelon Youtube video…



Sharing is caring!







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