After years of turning a blind eye Camiseta Olympique Marseille to illegal kickboxing and occasionally shutting down events when enough complaints were launched, the province of Quebec has become the latest to exercise their powers under section 83 of the Criminal Code to designate which amateur combat sports are legal.

On April 18, 2018 the government passed a order in council designating amatuer kickboxing as a legal combative sport.

The order is only available in French at this time.  below is the full order along with a crude translation via Google.

In short, amateur kickboxing contests can now be held in Quebec.

WHEREAS, Pursuant to subsection (1) of section 83 of the Criminal Code, he is guilty of an indictable offense on summary conviction that, as the case may be, engaged as an adversary in a concerted fight, recommends or encourages or is the promoter of a conert fight, attends a concerted fight in the capacity of assistant, second, doctor, referee, support or reporter;

WHEREAS, under paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 83 of the Criminal Code, the combat sports match, with fists, hands or feet, held between amateur athletes in a province if the sport is covered by the program of the international Olympic committee or the international Paralympic committee and, in the box or the lieutenant-governor in council of the province or the person or body he designates, if the match is held with their permission, is excluded from the derinitino of ;

Whereas boxing, Greek-French and free wrestling, judo, taekwondo and karate are amateur combat sports currently covered by the program of the international Olympic committee or the international Paralympic Committee;

Whereas, Camiseta Selección de fútbol de México under paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 83 of the Criminal Code, the combat sports match, with fists, hands or feet, held between amateur athletes in a province if the sport is designated by the lieutenant-governor in council of the province or by the person or body he designates and, in the event that one or the other of them so requires, the match is held with their permission, is excluded from the definition of

Whereas under subparagraph (b) of paragraph (2) of section 83 of the Criminal Code, kickboxing as an amateur combat sport is excluded from the definition of concerted combat;

It is ordered, therefore, on the recommendation of the minister of Education, recreation and Sports:

That, for the purposes of subparagraph (b) of subsection (2) of the Criminal Code section, kickboxing is designated as an amateur combat sport and excludes from the definition of concerted combat.


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